Get yourself

Invest where it makes sense


branches in the first year


continents and we are preparing for the next


new outlets per month

Bubblify is a modern franchise

It brings a proven and, most importantly, sustainable business model to the increasingly popular bubble tea market.

Make money with Bubblify

* We calculated the model calculation based on the actual results of a branch located in a shopping centre.

We have all 5 together

Top reasons to go for it with us.

How do you do that?

  1. Let us know you are interested and we will build a functional and successful business for you under the Bubblify banner. We'll get back to you within 48 hours during business days.

  2. Together we will choose the most suitable place to build a new shop. We will also find and train the staff and get everything up and running. Or we will sell you one of the already established branches that are currently available.

  3. We will hand over the whole business to you only when we are sure that everything is running as it should.

How do we compare
compared to other investments?

Simply great. Considering the average interest (p.a.) on other investment products, our branches will earn you much more.

Ready to invest
in Bubblify?

Choose from several options here and abroad

Meet The Team

"Our concept has no competition in the Czech Republic or Slovakia. The biggest added value is in supporting franchisees. We will build them a branch, equip it, find reliable staff and run everything for them. And if they don't want to take care of the business themselves, they have the guarantee that we will make sure it works and generates money for them in the long term. No one else offers that."

- Andrea Fenn, CEO Bubblify

You ask,

we answer

What does it take to run a Bubblify store, can I do it?

I'm sure. Like many franchisees before you. You don't need any experience in the food business - that's what we're here for. We'll teach you everything and be there for you around the clock. Thanks to the Smart Bubblify information system, most of the processes are completely automatic and the store manager takes care of the rest. All you have to do is check everything here and there from the comfort of your home, pay your wages and pay your invoices.

How do I know if there is a problem?

Easy. Our information system will tell you. It closely monitors the POS system, inventory, attendance and cameras. It also has advanced analytics so it can alert you to any discrepancies. Then you just need to compare the products issued with the orders in the POS system, which we do randomly for your protection.

How does the supply system work?

Almost the same. The automated system updates the stock of each raw material every minute and can predict when it will be in short supply based on sales. So it will suggest an order in time, which operations will simply confirm. The next day, you'll have everything at the branch.

What about employee motivation? What if they just sit and stare at their phones?

We have our own recipe for that too. It is based on collecting points for individual performance and increasing sales. Simply put, the more they earn, the more they get. In addition, we filter out unreliable candidates during the recruitment process, and when a staffing problem arises at a branch, we quickly provide a replacement.

Should I look for a suitable location myself, or can you help me choose one?

Thanks to our experience, we usually choose the best places. However, if you have your own tip or a dream location, feel free to share it with us. We can arrange anything from smaller Czech villages to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

What is the price of the shop based on?

We set our prices so that you always get your investment back within 3 years. So while the cheapest Czech locations cost around 2-3 million crowns, a branch in Dubai can cost up to 10 million. However, the costs are matched by the profits.

How is the lease relationship with shopping centres handled?

We take care of that - the strength and size of our network makes it easier for us to negotiate. No Bubblify store has ever been closed by a mall.

What if the location doesn't make enough money?

If by chance things don't go as planned in the first year, we automatically change staff or location. And that's at our expense - your profits and satisfaction are our priority.

Can I ever sell the branch?

Yes, you can. And we'll be happy to help. We're full of people interested in the businesses we've already started. What's more, the more successful and profitable its track record, the greater its value and investor interest.

How can I book a location as quickly as possible?

Easy. Just fill in our web form. We look forward to working with you!

Write to us

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  • Investing in a franchise
  • A working franchise
  • Other forms of investment
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